ZAGENO Blog | Essential Insights for Efficient, Innovative Labs in Life Science

Choose Your Own Lab Move Adventure

Written by ZAGENO | May 7, 2024

A lab move is in your future.

The team seeks your guidance on how long to budget for planning.

You advise that a lab move requires 12–18 months.
Smart! Lab relocation requires at least a year. Factor in extra time for new construction to avoid unnecessary pressure.

“Eh... Don’t worry,” you say. “We’ll figure it out as we go.”
Uh-oh! You didn’t leave enough time. Now, you're stuck with a rushed, costly project.

It’s time to finalize the new lab’s layout before construction begins.

You know it inside out, so you carefully review and sign off on the design.
Oh no! You later realize the plan omitted a mop sink. Now you have to retrofit plumbing. The boss is not happy.

You ensure every stakeholder reviews the design and signs off on their designated spaces.
Phew! The stakeholders catch some omissions before signing off, avoiding costly change orders and delays down the line.

The moving company comes to you with insurance options.

You invest in the coverage, and even decide to add more.
Despite the movers being highly recommended, a sensitive piece of equipment is damaged during transport. Thankfully, you're insured and receive compensation.

You refuse the insurance. They’re pros, right? It’s not worth the extra money.
The moving truck is in an accident, damaging much of the cargo. Without insurance, your project cost skyrockets as you scramble to replace the items.

Avoid the 10 most common lab move pitfalls with the free ebook from ZAGENO and Foorman Facilities Advising