Smarter Science

10 Ideas to Decorate Your Lab for the Holiday Season

The holidays are just around the corner and it seems like immediately after Thanksgiving, there is a primal urge to be festive. Holiday wreaths, Christmas trees and holiday lights all go up, both within the home and also at the workplace. What about labs?

Here are 10 festive ways that other scientists have decorated their labs. But first make sure you are allowed to use lab supplies as decorations!


A Christmas tree with test tubes of glitter as ornaments


A wreath decorated with blood-draw containers


Beaker stand arranged like a Christmas tree with beakers of mysterious colored fluids


A mini-Christmas tree made entirely of syringe caps. Pipette tips may also work!


A ChemisTREE door decoration made of elements


A DNA door decor with festive base pairs. Bonus points if you can guess the base pairs


A Christmas tree made entirely of gloves


Microbiology ornaments made with festive microbes


Creative creature ornaments made with plastic caps and pipette tips


More creature ornaments made with bubble wrap and pipette tips

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